Coolingtech Software - All Other Applications. Hello everyone Recently I bought a similar microscope, using the software coolingtech 2.0. It runs smoothly in windows 10, but have a problem pop up just now. It was working just fine, cant be any. Nov 25, 2018 Windows Log in / Sign up. Please visit the main page of CoolingTech on Software Informer. Share your experience: Write a review about this program Read more. Info updated on: Nov 25, 2018. Related stories. Trump signed a 5G development memo in the US. Best remote desktop tools for Windows.
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Mod Edit: Split from - Hamluis. Hello everyone Recently I bought a similar microscope, using the software coolingtech 2.0. It runs smoothly in windows 10, but have a problem pop up just now. It was working just fine, can't be any better. But now it only display half the screen, no matter which camera size I chose. Just like from images below.
The camera seems to locked to the top left part, leaving the bottom right area in black. But when I click capture picture it just workout fine, which also captured the bottom right black area. Anyone have idea on how can I fix this? I've tried reinstall, reboot and everything but no clue. Thanks, Hayes. 105.61KB 0 downloads Resolution 640*480 63.13KB 1 downloads Resolution 480*360 67.33KB 1 downloads Resolution 1600*1200 73.58KB 1 downloads Edited by hamluis, 03 March 2017 - 10:19 AM.