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House of Cards Seasons 1-5 was one of the best series ever produced however season 6 was utterly ridiculous, the decent writers either walked out due to the network punitive action towards Spacey or they wrote nonsense in protest. One has to question on what basis does any employer or other employees believe that they have the right to decide guilt and administer punishment of another employee regarding any issue outside of the actual field of employment? Keven Spacey is one of the greatest actors of our age and for his own industry to treat him like a leper is a serious form of abuse in itself, utterly appalling example of political correctness gone way to far. We have institutions in place for investigating allegations, courts to decide guilt and dispense justice these are NOT functions that should be performed by self appointed kangaroo courts in the workplace or social media. As the saying goes, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Robin Wright is a great actress and the chemistry between her and Kevin Spacey was incredible viewing but sadly the show deteriorated into a farce once that chemistry was lost and the show turned into some kind of perverse feminist activism vehicle.
Such a shame.
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