On the occasion of ’s 75 birth anniversary, and his wife wished the first superstar of Bollywood in a very adorable way. Twinkle Khanna shared a black and white throwback picture of her superstar father and wrote# “As a toddler, I was convinced that all the truckloads of flowers that would arrive for his birthday were actually for me. #nowandforever.” Actor and son-in-law Akshay Kumar also shared a picture of his late father-in-law with Twinkle and captioned it, “While growing up I’d heard fascinating tales of his superstardom, never imagining one day I’ll marry his fascinating daughter.thank you for giving me this precious one. Happy birthday to both of you.” In the picture, Twinkle, Rajesh and Dimple Kapadia can be seen showing the victory sign. This picture might be from the election time.